My mom and I started making and selling purses and shirts. They are all custom and way fun! We did swiss days and have some home parties this fall, its been fun to be creative and do something besides housework! these are a few of our purses.
Do you guys have a website or anything? Those purses are so cute! Thanks for giving me the info for the pictures. I'm going to check out her website. :-) She really did a great job! I'm sure it wasn't hard though with such a little doll!
That is so cool. I'm so jealous. I wish I was near my mom so she could motivate me to do something creative! I am not creative on my own. You and your mom do good work together. I hope you sell tons of them. They are dang cute. And I agree with devri (?), do you have a website?? It would be fun to check it out and see all the purses and shirts!
Do you guys have a website or anything? Those purses are so cute! Thanks for giving me the info for the pictures. I'm going to check out her website. :-) She really did a great job! I'm sure it wasn't hard though with such a little doll!
That is so cool. I'm so jealous. I wish I was near my mom so she could motivate me to do something creative! I am not creative on my own. You and your mom do good work together. I hope you sell tons of them. They are dang cute. And I agree with devri (?), do you have a website?? It would be fun to check it out and see all the purses and shirts!
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